This last week has been super short and super fun. It's crazy how quickly time goes by! We've had a lot of fun as a district and as a zone, we had a few meetings, and there was a big back to school party on Saturday that we all helped out with, and it was a lot of fun!!
What I wanted to focus on this week was goals. Having a vision. I like the quote Thomas S. Monson shared in General Conference a while ago: "If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
Having goals and making simple plans to reach those goals is something I love about the mission, and it really is a super important life skill. Many people make educational, marriage, career, and other life goals like that, but the goal I wanted to talk about was spiritual goals. Who are we going to be? Do I exemplify who I want to be? Can people tell that I am a disciple of Christ, or more importantly, can Christ tell that I want to be his disciple?
All of us should have some type of goal. Us as members of the church have the goal of being exalted and living eternally with our families, and we strive to live in such a way that we will be worthy of that. In order to do so, we need to show our love for the Savior by obeying the commandments, diligently magnifying our callings,and serving others to the best of our ability.
27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; (D&C 58:27)
I just wanted to challenge you all this week to think of something more you could be doing to show your willingness and desire to serve and love Christ. Whether that is to do better in your home teaching, taking your calling more seriously, or finding better ways to spend your time, like looking for service/missionary opportunities or going to the temple. It could possibly be spending more quality time as a family, or maybe simply being more diligent and honest in your nightly prayers. Whatever it is, plan to do it, and then carry it out!:) We all have the eternal end goal in mind, just focus on what you need to do now. Become a better disciple of Christ.
I love you all and hope you have a great week!!:)
Elder Packer
1. The District
2. Harker and I
3. "Bring Your Own Cup" day at 711
4. Soup we made for the Herreras yesterday (souper good in case you were wondering)
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